Please follow these steps on the Abstract Submission Portal 

Abstract Title and Presentation Type

Guidelines: Create a concise (Maximum 12 words), informative title that clearly conveys the main topic or focus of your project or presentation

Example: "Integrating Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Community Mental Health Settings: A Case Study"

Presentation type (choose one)

  • 30 minute presentation
  • 90 minute presentation
  • 3-hour workshop
  • 6-hour workshop

Themes and Keywords
Choose a theme for your abstract from the list below

  • A growing Indigenous workforce
  • Climate change and its impact on health
  • Diversity and inclusion 
  • Mental health services assessment
  • New specialties 
  • New technologies
  • Policies, regulation and funding
  • Political and societal change impact
  • Regional, rural and remote health
  • Social media and self-image
  • Substance use in changing times
  • Other

Choose one or more keywords appropriate to your abstract from the list below:

  • Accessibility
  • Analysis, report
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Case study
  • Child and adolescent health
  • Community mental health
  • Digital health
  • Innovative models of care
  • Insights and ideas
  • Mental health consumers
  • Mental health integration with other services
  • Mental health workforce
  • New projects
  • Patient outcomes
  • Practical reports
  • Program evaluation
  • Research
  • Trends
  • Other

Authors, Professional Affiliations, and Author Bio

Professional Affiliations: Enter your professional affiliations, a professional affiliation is a membership or relationship to a specific organisation or association within the Mental Health sector

Guidelines: List all contributing authors, including their full names, institutional affiliations, and contact information. Indicate the presenting author with an asterisk (*).

Example: Jane Doe, Department of Psychology, University of XYZ, janedoe@xyz.eduJohn Smith*, Community Mental Health Center, johnsmith@cmhc.org

Bio: Enter your short bio, 150-word limit

Abstract paper structure
Download and complete template to upload on Abstract Portal for your submission

Optional Supporting DocumentAny other supporting document can be uploaded via a link or from files.
Additional InformationAny potential conflict of interest to disclose?
Any necessary ethics approval to obtain?
AV Requirements

As a standard for your presentation, the room will be equipped with:

  • Screen and video projector
  • Sounded lectern
  • Remote control
  • Laptop (with your presentation loaded)
  • Handheld microphone or Lapel

Please indicate if you require any additional AV for your presentation.

 Principal Partners:

(07) 3356 4255
